Why Resharpening Or Regrinding For Circular Saw Blade Is Necessary For The Saw Blade Business
Facing fierce competition in the field of circular saw blade market, for circular saw blade distributors and resellers, in addition to providing cost-effective circular saw blade products to customers and end users, for the circular TCT saw blades, after simple resharpening and grinding with Yuanda Tools’s saw blade sharpening machine, the carbide tips of the saw blades can be sharpened again. Using Yuanda Tools’ circular saw blade grinding machine can solve this problem for you. If you are interested by our solution, please read below to know more.
What kind of saw blade sharpening machine is necessary for used circular saw blade sharpening process?
For the regrinding and resharpening of used saw blade. Base on different sharpening quality and status of the circular saw blade, different types of saw blade sharpening machine/saw blade grinding machine/saw blade grinder will be used.
- Normal sharpening, only sharpen face angle/hook.
- Good quality sharpening, sharpen both face angle/hook and top angle/clearance angle.
- In case of facing broken tip, using high frequecy machine to replace the carbide tip first.
- After replacing carbide tip, sharpen all the double side tooth, after that,sharpen both face angle/hook and top angle/clearance angle of the saw blade accordingly.
Yuanda Tools MQH-600C Automatic circular saw blade sharpening machine in top angle sharpening status, the machine can sharpen both top and face.

Yuanda Tools MQF-600CNC Automatic circular saw blade sharpening machine regrinding the saw blade’s double side tips status. The MQF-600B manual control feed in double side circular saw blade sharpening machine can also finish this process.

The MQH-600C is the most reliable and sharpening precision lasting model, it is a classic saw blade grinding machine, a good quality industrial grade saw blade sharpening machine with high cost-effectiveness.
Common remark by machine operator after using the sharpening machine for decades